Evil Edna
Ive touched on this subject before but im not afraid to cover old ground when fresh ideas come knocking. Or no fresh ideas as the case may be on this topic. You for me, television is dead. Ive never been a big fan of it to be honest. Sure it had its time back in the golden days of the 1980s with shows like Chips, Dallas, Streethawk and The A Team but those days are long gone.
I do have giant plasma/LCD screens but I can count on one hand the things I watch on them. Its videogames that get most of my time nowadays (when im not on teh interwebz). I did try to watch Game Of Thrones but lost interest after the third episode. Not because of the show, the show is great, but I just cannot get into the habit of watching television. I feel foolish doing it which will seem silly to the majority of people, seeing as addicted as they are to it. but heres the real deal: I feel as awkward watching television as I would be sitting naked on my doorstep.
The only programmes (are they even called 'programmes' these days?) I could name are the aforementioned Game Of Thrones and Sons Of Anarchy. Thats it. Those two are television heavy metal and being a born MetalHead its only natural I enjoy them but even then I have to wait until the series comes out on Blu Ray boxset in order to see them because sitting on the sofa waiting for a programme to come on is alien to me. I simply don't like doing it. Just thinking about it brings a cloud of boredom over my head. I love videogames because im immersed in the thick of the action, im a part of what is happening and I can more or less dictate a lot of the outcomes, especially in open world sandbox titles.
I dont get this with television. With that im merely an impotent observer, a lurker to the action. Sterile and fiddling with a useless manhood.
RIP the tube
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