It is Christmas eve and what better way to wait for the Big Guy in Red to drop by than to fill the day with videogames? Alcohol will be added later on of course, but for now follow me as I charge headlong through bullets and mysteries, zombies and beautiful damsels, in order to save Christmas eve from those pixelated baddies who would have it ruined.
The order of the day ~
OutrunAh the perfect way to start a session. Sun blistering the tarmac of winding highways, a bouncing, vibrant soundtrack on your Ferrari's sound system and a blonde in the passenger seat ready to praise you after each successful manouvre (in the car of course) and give you a ear bashing whenever you fluff up. Perfect.
High Velocity BowlingSome friendly rivalry between countries via the internet and a mini bowling tournament. This sadly went boobs up after the server crashed. Or got drunk.
Zen PinballPinball is great for Christmas eve. Those one-more-go hi scores make time go quicker and should the Bearded One show up during a game you can challenge him! How cool would his name look on the scoretable?
Saw II (demo)I fancied pulling my own eyeball out to give it a polish. Move on, nothing to see here!
1942 Joint StrikeSearch the skies for Santa while turning enemy fighter planes into balls of fire, and raining shells upon the tanks and supply trucks below. If the Jolly Fellow fails to turn up at your house later, be comforted to know that he didn't feel a thing.
Mafia IIFather Christmas can travel the planet in one night. I on the other cannot, but I am able to time travel. Back into 1950's New York City to chase down and kill a gangster who goes by the un-gangsterish name of 'Porky'.
In real life I have pork cooking in the oven for a Christmas eve feast so the smell as I gun the hapless fatty down in a hail of bullets is in keeping with his nickname. RIP Porkster ~ Death Was Your Santa Claus.
Bishi Bashi SpecialNothing like a bit of Japanese madness to get the party started! And there is no better game than this one. Basically
Bishi is a ton of mini games, all of which range from standard weird to downright absurd. How about some of these game challenges to let your mind wander:
Shake The Can to Outer Space ~ shake tin, watch go.
Jump for Meat ~ Help the muscled guy on a pogo stick get the ham.
Burst the Balloon ~ Help muscles again, this time pump up a balloon until it blows a living room up.
Uncle Launcher ~ Shoot your uncle from a canon and land him on a giant plate held up by a stone Oriental man in just his pants!?
Game On!8.
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Cowboys! Zombies! Cowboy zombies! Theres no yuletide joy in Blackwater, as the dead seem to have gotten bored of being a dead and are now staggering around the stables and saloon bars, looking for flesh.
YOUR flesh.
Its up to former outlaw John Marston to make things safe for Rudolph and friends.