So I cut it, not just short but the whole hog and shaved the lot off. (I have always been a man of exremes, no half measures.) If my locks couldn't go the way David Coverdales had then the only other option (for a man of extremes) was bald.
My bonce: shine and go!
And its been great. Admittedly its a bit cold during the winter months (hey we have things called hats) but baths/showers are a breeze, my barber fees are zero, summer is cooler, theres no fussing in front of mirrors in the morning and chicks love bald guys. Win!
Today however I felt different. I thought perhaps to let it grow again, not long just cultivating a kind of 'buzzed' cut. I sat in the bath thinking of how cool a new look would be (and how I could take a break from wearing hats in this infernal cold) but as I started shaving the stubble on my face a curious thing occurred. I felt my razor hand reach up to my dome and before I could pull back I found myself dragging the razor over my head and begin shaving, all hopes of a new look disappearing into the waters.
It must have been a chunk of memory inside my head that remembered the 'rats tails' look and decided to have a mental arm wrestle with my new 'buzzed' cut idea, and won.
So this confirms it, I will never have hair on my head again. And to be frank (who's he?) I prefer being bald. There is nowhere to hide when ones head is polished. I hid away when my hair was long, my eyes covered by a straggly veil and it hung on my shoulders like a scarf. My face was almost concealed. Hair isn't merely fashion, the style you choose reflects the inner you. (And I f**king hate psychology!)
So I will maintain the Kojack look and not hide from the world, but confront it. Or just save myself a few bob on shampoo.
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