And im as guilty of it as the next man, probably more so because I have virtually set up camp on the internet, deciding its the best way to air my works. But what will it do to us a human beings? Is this the next step in evolution?
On a positive note I believe the WWW has made a lot more people creative and they are using the net (is that too 'nineties' a word?) to do some wonderful things. One only has to look at the photography on image hosting sites and watch some of the homemade spoofs and parodies on Youtube to get evidence of this.
Will our souls cope however? Human beings have evolved before but we have never experienced so much in so little time like we are right now. The onslaught of technology has been relentless since 1995 and there is no way of knowing what the results will be from this technical assault until we are more 'settled' in the company of computers.
One of the great British traditions (it might have existed in other countries too of course) was having a natter with your neighbour over the garden fence. Or meeting up in public houses (the pub) to unwind, share a few drinks and catch up on news.
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