Thursday, 20 January 2011

Home Schooling vs Gin Lane 2011

Its been revealed that thousands of children in Wales are being taught at home instead of at school. I cant say Ive given much thought to this because before last September I was childless, but since the birth of my daughter I have thought quite a bit about school and I have to admit, im all for this. I know some say children will miss out on the social side of things and making chums but when you consider some of our schools are filled with illiterate chavs who care more about reality tv than Dickens, its no bad thing.
Im a pretty cultured creature at the chore (I hide it reasonably well by excursions into tattoo parlours and alcoholic storms) and it frightens me to think that my beloved daughter could become 'infected' with some of the rotten habits a lot of youngsters seem to have these days. (Most of it heaped onto them by foul parents I hasted to add.) I think we've all seen them; little boys with tight cropped hair and going around kicking litter bins like tiny thugs, or girls, horrifyingly young dressed up like hookers with make up and revealing clothes. And all of them writing in 'text' speak and swearing like sailors.
The parents of these urchins quite willing for television and videogames to be their electric nannies while they themselves wallow in lager and cigarette smoke. Its the Gin Lane of 2011, it really is. Utterly depressing. No hint of poetry and great literature, these children exist on soap operas and Big Mac diets making me actully fear the future, filled with the ignorant. There is no inspiration anymore, most children wanting to be 'famous' when older to follow in the footsteps of that wretched Katie Price who might be financially well off but is still cheaper than a jumble sale.
Also I don't trust schools themselves. There is no way they can cater for each child individually and im sorry but I want, nay demand that my daughter is given privelage over the other children. Wont happen in a school so im afraid thats another tick for home tutoring.
Addressing the social aspect of this is simple to my thinking. A school isn't the only place where children get together. There are lots of clubs and activities for them to be getting involved in. The religious ones even have church or chapel. When I was young I joined the Boys Brigade, a young ornothologist club, a canoe club and a club for young sub~aqua divers. I was never short of things to do outside school.
No doubt there are very good schools in this country but alas there is distrust of them. It is sadly the way of things at this moment in time. I hope things improve before the lights are extingueshed completey but I won't hold my breath.

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