How do I know this? Difficult to explain, suffice to say I am able to tell you that cancerous cells are about as far from my body as far can be. And there are a multitude of other illnesses waiting in my mortal queue to strike me down before cancer will ever get a decent chance.
The thought has never worried me. When I have watched programmes to do with this cruel disease, its as if im watching from a safe distance like a bird would watch a fishing show; feeling sorry for the fish but knowing the hook will never be a threat to him.
Its a curious thing i'll admit but there you go. Life is strange, a mish~mash of the ODD and the MAD, peppered occasionaly with gentler strikes from more forgiving swords. Its best not to question too much because it will usually only serve to frustrate even further.
My lifestyle is ripe for some serious health related catastrophe to pounce upon my sorry frame but instinct (something which has served me impeccably during my time) tells me I am safe from the brute thats is cancer.
You see, I 'feel' the fingers of cholesterol and grease play with my innards and sometimes I am nearly suffocated by pressures within my chest (nothing major, just tingles) but ive never once felt the sickly barbs of something capabale of eating me inside out.
I like to believe that because my body is more like a rubbish bin than a temple, no self respecting cancer cell would ever wish to take residence in my frothy (and perhaps even toxic) organs. Whatever sinister diseases are lurking in the wings, my diet has fermented worse. And it is one of these that will come for me in the dead of night when I am being entertained, or in the early morning when im unawares.
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