Isn't he/she simply ADORABLE? I would love to have one. Nay have two or three. That beautiful blue fur, the enquiring face, those amazing yellow eyes and little pom pom paws! Dear me, my heart fairly skipped a beat out of love for the ickle kitty. Makes for a much more interesting chum than say a goldfish or budgie.
And thats just it I find. Its the peculiar and the odd which this world spin, certainly not the bland and the predictable. (I guess this is why I am not a big fan of dogs. No animal is as predictable as a hound, no matter what their fans will say.) I love pure colour, not different shades of it.
Is it a bat? No, its love in your palm
Just look at that guy above. Who cares what the heck it is? Look at him! He would love you forever, its written all him. Or her. Depressingly, as ive said earlier, these loveables are more often than not fake. Usually made up from different bits of an assortment of animals and photo~stitched together by some bored teenager or wannabe Frankenstein.
Shame really. When I was a youngster I had newts, frogs, terrapins, (even took a few white mice into the cinema in my pockets) and these were all great but I always hankered after a bat or a heron. Dogs, cats and hamsters weren't unusual enough, afterall, everyone had one of those. I used to love catching anenomes and other strange things from rock pools, hoping to find something not of this world.
Im still on the look out. I adore my cat of course and she rules the house. But Id trade her in a flash for a Kowakian monkey~lizard. (Remember Salacious Crumb? The ferret thing by Jabba the Hutt in Return Of The Jedi? One of them.)
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